
Expecting Mothers

Planning for your baby is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. At DePelchin, we’re here for you and want you to make the right choices for you and your baby. 

A pregnant lady holding her belly

Support Services

A group of pregnant women talking together


Is Child Protective Services (CPS) involved in the adoption placement?


No, DePelchin becomes the conservator of the child following termination of parental rights and until the adoption is finalized.


Can I see and name my baby before handing over to their adoptive parents?


All of these choices are yours. The answer is yes to all of these questions if that is what you want.


Can I meet my baby's adoptive parents before birth?


This choice is yours; it depends upon the type of adoptive placement you choose.

We are here for you! Complete our confidential inquiry form below or email us at IAP@depelchin.org, and one of our adoption professionals will contact you within 24hours.

If you need immediate, non-medical assistance about your options, call or text our 24-hour Maternity Number at (713) 582-7129.