During the Orientation, we will walk you through the process of fostering, or fostering with the hope of adopting a child or children in foster care. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about fostering or adopting a child or children in need, in addition to meeting other families who are interested in becoming foster or adoptive parents.
There are many steps designed by the state child welfare system to qualify families to be licensed as a foster or adoptive home. We work within these requirements and bring expertise and added support to help you navigate the system. All our families are trained and licensed for both foster care and adoption. Though some families within our community desire only to foster and others might have the goal of adoption, we find it most efficient and practical for our families to be dual licensed as we have seen the outcome of cases change as well as family’s desires transform. We want to be prepared for all outcomes and make the process as seamless as possible.
Below is the link to join the orientation:
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